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The Sky Live Presented for Free and Fair Public Use


This site aims to provide accurate real time data and finder charts for the most interesting Solar System objects. Currently we are tracking 465 objects, including comets, planets, asteroids and spacecrafts.


The ephemeris provided by this site (which include coordinates, distances from Earth and Sun, estimated magnitude and, for comets, time to perihelion) are obtained from the JPL Horizons service. In order to compute real time data, we are using interpolation of the Horizons sampled data, which provides a quite good accuracy. It you need very accurate and lates up-do-date data, please use the Horizons service directly.

Finder Charts and Catalogs

Our Finder Charts (see example) are created using the Digitized Sky Survey imagery. For each object, we acquire a 60'x40' DSS image in the red channel and we add overlays to represent the observed object, plus informative labels about the stars and deep sky objects represented in the chart. The position of the overlays is dynamic, this means that in case of fast moving objects (e.g. fast moving comets) it should be possible to see the live movement of the object on the chart.


Comet Observation Data

  • We acknowledge COBS, the Comet Observation Database for the usage of recent comet observation data, in particular the recently observed comet magnitude and coma diameter.

HTML5 Sky Maps and 3D orbit diagrams

  • The constellation lines used in the ephemeris computation HTML5 sky charts have been created by Dan Burton as part of his Star Chart project.

  • The HTML5 sky charts and orbit diagrams have been developed using the three.js javascript 3D library.

  • The astronomy.js library by Don Cross is used to compute approximate position of the Solar System objects given their keplerian elements.



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You are free to use and share content from this site, like data and screenshots, provided you cite and link the source.

About our Cookies Usage

Please refer to our Privacy Policy for details about cookes.


Since its launch in 2013, this site has been developed and maintained by Iacopo Sassarini, as a personal project to bring together interests in astronomy and coding.



Thank you for reaching out! We will be in contact with you shortly.

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